I know I've been completely absent for over a month now, but things have been really hectic. More than half of my life has been put on hold as I am preparing for my driving exam. I left last time with the news that I accepted a private student in the morning to help pay for the exam. Although the classes aren't hard to prepare for and the student is fairly fun, I spend Monday through Thursday noticeably stressed and impatient, due to my very busy schedule.
Today is a holiday, so I'm taking advantage of the respite during the week to get some stuff done. Including this post!
Monday, March 23rd I will have my theory test!! I've been doing really well in the autoescuela with the practice tests, and I feel prepared.
To present myself for the exam I had to turn in:
2 photos
a copy of my Spanish ID
a medical form (more on that below)
85 euros (taxes)
The medical form: Last Friday I went to a "medical office" in front of the bullring that specializes in forms for driver's licenses and gun permits. I went, they made some pictures (because I wasn't told I had to take them, conveniently for them) and I had to wait. Some time later, they tested my sight (with a different eye chart than what we use), hearing, and reflexes? I had to turn handles (one for each hand) on a machine to keep two moving balls inside different tracks that beeped every time one of the balls left the track. ????? After 30 minutes of waiting, and maybe 5 having all these things checked I got my certificate of "good health" for 42 euros! Highway robbery! Then, they proceeded to load up the counter with free stuff. I mean, charge me less and don't give me all this crap! (Picture)
Time:14 hours in the driving school practicing tests (February)
13 hours in the driving school practicing tests (March)
6 hours at home studying
Total: 33 hours
Money:180 euros: sign up fee at the school
42 euros: medical form
85 euros: test taxes
Total: 307 euros